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UPS Address

Alex and Faraz
September 18 / 2016

To the incoming class of 2T0, congratulations and welcome to the Phamily. We hope that you had an amazing Phrosh Week and took the time to get to know your fellow classmates and colleagues. A huge shoutout to Steven, Bryanna and the Phrosh Planning Committee for organizing and executing a phenomenal Phrosh Week! To all of the upper years, we would like to welcome you back to another incredible year and hope you make the most of it!

With the school year off to a start, we also hope that you enjoyed yourselves at the UPS Mixer and Interprofessional Boat Cruise. If you had fun at those events then you're in luck because we have a year JAM PACKED with many, many more events to come this semester, including the U of T vs UW Soccer Cup, many Lunch and Learns, Phollies, Charity Week, and the UPS Holiday Party!

We encourage you to sign up for Intramurals and clubs as they provide more opportunity to have fun and develop yourself while at the Faculty. Your experience here is definitely what you make of it so we encourage you to get involved in the many extra-curricular activities that are available. Ensure that you take advantage of all these opportunities and challenge yourself to join or participate in at least one club or activity of your choice throughout your first semester! The release of the Monograph is certainly something we always look forward to. There are always many great reads and captivating pieces written by the students, for the students. Kudos to Natalie and Naomi for re-designing the look and feel of the Monograph.

They'll be bringing you coupons, QR codes, online versions, crossword puzzles, prizes, and more! Take the time to indulge in the pharmacy writing space or even publish a piece of your own. With all that said, feel free to contact us at anytime if ever you have any questions or concerns (even if it's just to say hi!).

Let the beginning of the school year unravel into one of your most fulfilling year yet!

Faraz and Alex

L to R: Halina Lam, Alex Mok, Faraz Razzagah, Hatf Sohail looking suave and enjoying the Interprofessional Boat Cruise

We asked the UPS Prez to give us a run down of some of the upcoming pharmacy events that will be taking place.
Jot them in your *already brimming* agendas!