
Naomi Lo and Natalie Ternamian
Hi Pharmacy!
Welcome to Issue 1 of the Monograph in all its printed
glory! Take a read through and we hope you enjoy
reading it as much as we have enjoyed putting it together!
We've decided to bring you a chance to win
one of two $5 gift cards to Second Cup! Follow the
rules below for your chance to win!
1. Complete the sudoku found within this
Monograph. Please include your Name, Year and Email
Address on the sheet so that we may contact the winner.
2. Tear off the completed sudoku (along the
dotted line) and deposit it into the box that is on the
bottom rung of the Monograph stand (black stand outside
UPS room near PB150).
3. Wait to be contacted as winner! One submission
per student is allowed. A total of two students will
recieved gift cards.
Our last piece of exciting news is that very own
Monograph webiste is up and running! Thanks to
Linda (Webmaster), you will now be able access the
Monograph online, as well as post comments below
articles! We wanted to do this in hopes to foster some
afterthought to the articles, or to let an author know
you really enjoyed their piece. Follow the QR code to
access the new page!
Thanks for reading and we hope to see more of
your submissions soon!
Naomi Lo and Natalie Ternamian
Monograph Co-Editors 2016-2017
The Monograph could not be
brought to you without the hard work
of the following individuals:
1T7 Representative Leyla Warsame
1T8 Representative Brett Hevenor
1T9 Representative Vaishali Sriprathap
2T0 Representative TBD
Staff Editor Walter Gao
Co-Editors Naomi Lo
Natalie Ternamian
Photographs Pharmakon
An army of dedicated Staff Writers
... and you, for reading the Monograph :)
UPS Address
Clubs Corner
Learning on the Go
In the News
In the News- Extended
Dear Druggist/ Artist's Corner
Study Break
Behind the Lens